Saturday, March 19, 2011

Our Neighborhood Park

We walked to the park today as a family. It's a large park full of what will someday be green grass. They have a couple of benches and one picnic table. They also have a very small playscape. It only has one set of stairs and two slides, one is shorter than the other.

Mackenzie held my hand to climb the stiars to the top the first time. She refused either slide and walked back down the stairs. When she decided it was time to try again she asked her daddy to go with her. When they got to the top she turned around and started down the stairs once more.... She never did go down the slide....

William sat with me on a blanket in the sand, but he looked bored so I put him directly on the sand and he loved it! He played with it, grabbing a handful and emptying into his other hand, then letting it drop onto his legs. He kept smiling and laughing the whole time.

When it was time to leave Z said she didn't want to go home. I told her that was okay because we weren't going home since Nate and I had decided to take the long way home and walk the full length of the park. Z decided since she wasn't going straight home she would like to go with us afterall. She donned her red "Canada" hat and pushed Will in the stroller.

This sure made the trip home long.

So, Nate and I started saying "ready, set, go" and then lifting her off the ground and swinging her. She LOVED it.

We did this the rest of the way home.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Mackenzie and her Leaf

As we were leaving Daycare Mackenzie found a leaf on Chearsten's front porch.

It was dead, but had a good shape and looked nice. She picked it up and held it above her head and said, "Look Daddy! A leaf!"

As I was putting her in the car she said, "I want Daddy to hold my leaf." Nate was sitting in the front seat and took the leaf from her.

As he takes it, Z says, "Don't eat that leaf, okay Daddy? It's GROSS."

Friday, March 11, 2011

Z and the Bug

Nate found a bug in the tub and Mackenzie saw it while she was using the potty.

She asked Nate how it got there and what it was doing so Nate told her it was trying to take a long nap.

He said after Z went nite nite he would take the bug outside to find his mommy and daddy.

Z went to sleep.

In the morning as Nate was putting her in the car she asked him where the bug was.

Then she said, "Was the bug lucky Daddy?" Nate told her he was pretty sure the bug had found its mommy and daddy.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Mackenzie is so cute and funny

When we picked the kiddos up from Daycare today Chearsten told us a cute and funny story...

Mackenzie was watching her new favorite show "Super Readers" while Chearsten was in the kitchen.

Z: (Runs into the kitchen) "Chearsten! The TV is whining!"

Chearsten: "Okay I will check."

Z: (as Chearsten comes into the living room) "It's okay now, it's not whining anymore."

The whining was an alert from the Emergency Broadcast System!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I cheated...

I created this blog in August or September 2008, just after Mackenzie was born...  My first post was all about how I hoped to "be a blogger."  Yeah right...  That was my first and last post...

So, here I am on 6/15/11 adding posts from March 2011.  I say I cheated because I copied/pasted them all from another web site I was using... 

I kept all the dates the same.

So I'm posting this entry twice...  Once at the beginning of March and once on today's date so that you don't get confused...  We'll see if I am a true blogger or not....